Mr Julian Rex Branston

Messages of condolence

In loving memory of uncle Julian, whose spirit will forever roam the hills he cherished. Forever in our hearts and minds. With love to Pat, Gareth, Steph and family. Jo, Pete, Megan and Jake xxx

Mrs Joanne Fisher

In memory of Julian Branston

From Sylvia and John Cole

Mrs S Cole

To one of the best Love Stuart & Carole Anderson

Mr Stuart Anderson

I knew Julian since 1953 and always enjoyed our encounters which will be much missed.

Mr Bob Muston

Fond memories of a wonderful 'Boss'

Julian Branston

From Lesley


Condolences to Pat, Gareth, Steph, Partners and Grandchildren. Many happy years working for Julian both at London Road and then Chestnut Court.


A lifetime of happy memories had. Condolences to Pat and family. Love from, Irene Xx

Mrs Irene Billson

No one can replace such a special Dad who is now in the forever memory box - what a wonderful and happy life With much love Kirsty

Mrs Kirsty Todd

Your warmth and welcoming smile will be sadly missed - RIP uncle Julian. Condolences and hugs to auntie Pat, Gareth and Steph. Love Georgie, Gary and Niamh Xxx

Ms Georgie Kew

Remembering our great friend Julian - Warm love and condolences to Pat Gareth Steph and the close family.

Dr and Mrs Peter and Heather Swift

What an absolute shock to hear of Julian’s passing just 2 weeks before we were to meet and not having seen each other for several years. We shared the same sporting interests in rugby and cricket. Now living in Wales we still supported our original teams and my enjoyment continued with Julian’s after match analysis - never holding back. Thinking of you all at this time RIP Julian. Gary & Alison.

Mr Gary Mawer

Thinking of you.

Mr David Robson